“Maa PhalaHarini Kaali puja” is the worship Of The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali As Maa PhalaHarini Kaali – “The One Who Takes Away the fruits (phala) of our actions”.
Human tendencies and actions create fruits known as karmaphala, which bind us to the cycle of life and death. Detachment from ego and realization Of The True Self can liberate us from this cycle. The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali As Maa PhalaHarini Kaali Wields The Power To Destroy all the karmaphala of our lives By Taking Away the fruits of our actions.
Sincere devotees should submit To The Divine Mother the fruits of all their karmaphala on “Maa PhalaHarini Kaali puja”, to be Blessed With liberation from the cycle of repeated births and deaths.