The Bearer Of the skulls of impurity
Maa Maha Kaali Kapalini Is The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali’s Fourth Name In The “Śrī Kālīsahasranāma stotram”. The Holy “Name” Is Associated With The Garland Of skulls (Kapalamala) Worn By Maa Maha Kaali.
The Kapalamala Symbolizes The Fearsomeness Of Maa Maha Kaali. In one interpretation, The Kapalamala Symbolizes the heads of foes and demons Slain By The Divine Mother
In battles.
In another interpretation, The Kapalamala Symbolizes the ego or attachment to the limited body, which The Divine Mother Has Liberated Her sincere devotees from.
In yet another interpretation, the fifty
or fifty-two heads or skulls In The Kapalamala Symbolize the letters of the sanskrit alphabet, Venerating Maa Maha Kaali As “Shabda Brahman”, The Ultimate Reality Recognized As The Primal Holy Sound ‘Om’.