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A yantra for meditation On The Divine Mother Maa Maha Kaali
A yantra for meditation On Maa Maha Kaali helps with focus and stability of the mind. This yantra is composed of a central point or a “bindu”, within five inverted triangles, three circles, and eight lotus petals all enclosed in four doors.
– The bindu identifies the spot of extreme concentration.
– The five inverted triangles are known as “trikona” which symbolize The Creative Power Of The Divine Mother.
– The three circles known as “chakras” symbolize the rotating or cyclic progression of the whole universe.
– The eight lotus petals known as the padma symbolize purity and spiritual detachment.
Concentrating on the geometric visualization of the yantra can assist in acquiring a sincere and single-pointed mind for meditation on
Maa Maha Kaali.