𝙈𝘼𝘼 𝙈𝘼𝙃𝘼 𝙆𝘼𝘼𝙇𝙄, The Causer Of spiritual liberation And The Motivating Power Enabling its attainment


The Causer Of spiritual liberation And The Motivating Power Enabling its attainment

“O Devi, Who Are The Causer Of liberation and great, inconceivable austerities: sages yearning for liberation contemplate You with senses restrained, intent upon truth, with all faults cast off, For You Are The Provider Of The Blessed, Supreme Knowledge.”

The Devi Mahatmya, 4.9

Maa Maha Kaali Is The Provider Of Supreme Knowledge And The Causer Of spiritual liberation. Maa Maha Kaali Is Also The Motivating Power Behind the conditions and practices required to attain That Goal. Comprehensive spiritual practice (sadhana) cannot succeed without the resolve to persevere. It means that one has to continually rein in the senses and consciously reject attitudes and actions that could obstruct progress. Vrata, the practice of austerity, denotes variously a religious vow, an ascetic observance such as fasting or sexual abstinence, a devotional act or, broadly, an entire way of life. Devotees and ‘seekers’ should practice vrata with sincerity to receive The Blessings Of Maa Maha Kaali, Who Herself Is The Goal And The Means To attain The Goal.



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